Chi Ilochi


Chi Ilochi

Doesn’t everyone love a fearless, bad-ass model ?! I know I do ! I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this unique individual and I haven’t looked back since, and I know after all of this is said and don’t you won’t look back either ! Without further ado I introduce to you all Daunte Chess. Originally born in New Orleans, Daunte was raised in Dallas, TX, and it’s safe to say this individual has shed a great deal of eccentricity in it. When asked what got Daunte into fashion, Daunte replied “ Anime and early fashion magazines got me into fashion. Art inspires me as cliche as it sounds. I love the idea of living, walking art. I want to be able to bring my alter egos to life and show off each of their different expressions.” Wow, simply iconic. I’ve done fashion for years, and I’m also a huge fan of Anime and Manga, never did I once think I would collaborate with one who finds a great deal of their inspiration from it as well ! It amazes me how much artistry is in people, and in this world. It is people like Daunte that inspire me to be unapologetically myself and as they say “ Do the Damn Thing”. Writing this piece has helped me so much as a creator and woman, and I couldn’t thank the icon that is Daunte enough. It’s safe to say this individual is going to doing great things in this industry and I cannot wait to collaborate with Daunte again, but next time we’ll both be at the top ! If you too are inspired, be sure to check out Daunte’s work and social media’s below !
