Chi Ilochi

Treble NLS

Chi Ilochi
Treble NLS

Creator. Artist. Activist. Icon. These are all words that can be used to describe this special talent. Treble NLS or “Treble” is the epitome of a once and a lifetime talent. I have yet to come across any other music artist that can write, produce, and rap quite like Treble NLS. A lot of people ask, “Where do you get your inspiration from?” Right here! There have been more times than I can count that Treble’s music and mere being has taken me out of ruts and for that I will forever be grateful. If I’m lacking inspiration musically, mentally, or generally speaking I know where to find it. This isn’t the first time nor the last that you will hear about Treble NLS. He’s going to be bigger one day, and soon everyone will be hip to the mastermind behind our favorite tracks and poems!

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