Getting to Know : Ranika "The Authentic Artist"
"As the world becomes a more digital place, we cannot forget about the human connection."- Adam Neumann. When human-to-human interaction becomes limited, and words become harder to dissect, we must maintain some form of connection. A connection can be found through writing, visual art, nature, and sound. The talented individuals who create "sonic adventures" that teach us how to value and appreciate one another should be praised and exalted. Chicago Based Singer-Songwriter, Producer, and Engineer Ranika never misses a moment to show us what it means to love, value, and appreciate. The world of R&B, and Sultry Soul has been longing for a talent like Ranika's so we are blessed to have her. We were blessed with the opportunity to engage in conversation with the musical genius, check out her inspiring responses below!
Who are you?
I am very emotional; compassionate, determined, independent, empathetic, and passionate.
What first got you into music?
I started writing music before I even considered singing it, and that was at age nine. When I was fourteen years old, I had my first “heartbreak”, and the only way I knew how to express the emotions it triggered was through song. During this period in my life, I didn’t find it the easiest to talk about what I was feeling, so I just put it in song. Whenever I felt something strongly or had an idea, it turned into “a song”. Everything for me musically began on paper. Initially, I couldn’t find anyone to sing these songs for me, so I decided to “give it a try”, and the rest is history.
Your music is honest, vulnerable, and real. Why is it important for you to create music from an honest place when it is common to make music from an “intentionally relatable” place?
I’m authentically “Me” and it’s hard for me not to be. I need to write my art, and I can only tell my story from my experience. If I’m creating music that is solely based on connectivity, I’m no longer doing it for myself. I create music to feel this for myself first, and if it translates over then that’s perfect.
“Connected” is a song that has been on replay in my playlist. What inspired this song?
This song was written two hours before my studio session, and I wrote this song with a goal in mind. I wanted to capture a feeling that I’ve felt before, during the beginning stages of “falling in love”. I wanted people to be able to interpret their meaning after listening to this song. I wanted this song to relate to the feeling of “connectivity” in people’s lives and relationships.
Being a Chicago-based Singer / Songwriter & Producer, do you find it challenging to market or establish yourself as an artist?
The challenging part about being a Chicago Artist is the “niche” sound it has, which I don’t feel I necessarily fit with. I was a part of the open mic scene in the city for some time, and I never felt I came across anyone who was “like me”. I still haven’t felt like I’ve “found my team” so I at times feel like a loner in the music scene. The Chicago music scene isn’t as big as LA or New York, so it’s a bit challenging to find parts where I fit. However, I don’t believe being a “Chicago Artist” defines me or my journey, I define my own.
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
I would incorporate women in the forefront, and behind the scenes of the industry.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Rihanna, I can see myself writing for her, and that became clear to me when I heard her eighth studio album “Anti”.
What is one message you want to give to your fans?
Thank you. You are a big factor in motivating me to continue to do what I do. If you look at me and find inspiration, know that you can do what I do as well as I did. You have more resources than you realize, and I am here to help you through the process.
What’s next for you?
I have a Birthday coming up, so be on the lookout for Scorpio EPs. I’m working on new music, and I’ve been working on many beats as well. I’m currently working to put together an elevated version of my sound, as well as visuals in the next month or two.
Any artist we should be privy to?
JazStarr! She was just the cover of Chicago Reader! Jaz’s sound is very close to a Jill Scott mixed with Prince. Jaz has played a big role in the Chicago Open Mic Scene, and has worked very hard perfecting her sound and craft.
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