Zaneen Brown
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” I’ve been graced with the opportunity to come across beautiful people in my life who’ve improved my life for the better. There’s nothing like people who help you see your potential, light, and talent. Without further ado, I proudly introduce to you all the queen who exudes all of these traits, Zaneen Brown. Zaneen is one of the best people I’ve come across in my twenty two years on this earth, and I thank God for trusting me enough to experience her person. Zaneen is the kind of person to give you her last, and encourage you when she’s going through her own challenges. We take people like Zaneen for granted, when we should be thanking God for people like her. I couldn’t thank Zaneen enough for being the friend she’s been to me over the years. There is nothing better than experiencing pure love from a purse soul. I pray that God continues to bless Zaneen for being a blessing to every one she comes in contact with.