Chi Ilochi

Kimmia Bratcher

Chi Ilochi
Kimmia Bratcher

“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” - Arthur Schopenhauer. Everyone is talented, but very few are geniuses in their respective fields. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet and work with a true genius. I introduce you all to the amazing Model, Person, and Scholar, Kimmia Bratcher. Ever since I’ve learned about Kimmia, I wanted to know more! There are those that have gifts that have the power to attract, influence and inspire others and that right there is Kimmia. Kimmia you are a beautiful being with great potential in your gift, I can’t wait to see you on billboards; magazines, websites, and commercials! It’s coming, so please trust the process and never stop, you’re doing amazing, and you’re so worthy. If you too would like to be inspired, be sure to keep scrolling!

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