Chi Ilochi

Courtney Dimoff

Chi Ilochi
Courtney Dimoff

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.” — Don McCullin. I believe the role of an artist, is one of the best roles any human being can be given. I admire anyone who can create art that speaks to your lowest moment while celebrating your best moments. As a Fashion Stylist, it’s important that I take the time out to study and appreciate the talent that is in my community. The work I create wouldn’t be what it is if weren’t for the artists that continuously inspire me. With that being said, I proudly introduce to you the incredible Photographer, Courtney Dimoff. Courtney is what I like to call “the definition of an artist”. The way Courtney photographs her subject(s) is something that can move you to tears, it is truly beautiful, and I have seen nothing like it. The creativity that Courtney exudes with every shoot is next level. Courtney deserves her flowers for where she is now and what she’s already done along her journey and I hope this feature gives her just that. Courtney, thank-you for sharing your creativity and yourself with the world, believe me when I say it is greatly appreciated!

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