Chi Ilochi

Aijalon Brown

Chi Ilochi
Aijalon Brown

"Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health." - Unknown. But what if you don't know who your true self  is, what do you do? I am no stranger to battles with mental health, there have been trying times along my journey that I to this day don't know how I made it through. When I experience those conflicting thoughts, I'm reminded of the entrepreneurs, coaches, and individuals that kept me going. When my light grew dim, yours great brighter. This woman I am about to introduce to you is incredible. She is one of the reasons I've yet to quit, and she is also the reason others haven't either. In everything this woman creates and orchestrates, she makes it a point that individuals are healed in the process. She has been our light in the darkness, and I hope this feature is that for her anytime she may walk through the forest. Ladies and gents, I proudly introduce you to the incredible Aijalon Brown. Aijalon Brown is the Clothing Designer; Wellness Coach, MakeUp Artist, & YouTuber the world has always needed. I have watched Aijalon and her endeavors from afar for a while now but was too nervous to express my appreciation of her. Aijalon, there wouldn't be me without you. You keep me going with everything you create, everything you post, and every uplifting word you share. You remind me that joy is on the other side of anything I may go through, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you, I know it is nothing short of amazing.

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