Chi Ilochi


Chi Ilochi

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - Unknown. Some days I wonder who I would be without you. Without our 3:00 am talks about our "mistakes", and TikTok chronicles that I never want to end. Both combined have helped me get through, most will never understand my story but you do, even though you don't know it all. Somehow for you, that's still enough, thank you. I've learned the key in life is to see yourself, but I must say, it's a special feeling when someone sees you. You are a space of safety, acceptance, and freedom. With you, I don't have to drape myself with a guard or be my occupation. With you, I'm a human being, not a woman, not a stylist, not a mentor, a human being. You don't know how much I need that. You're an amazing young woman, do you know that? I'll say it once more, you're an amazing young woman do YOU know that? In a world where we are told to be like everyone else, you rock authenticity, and you do it well. Let's not talk about the outfits, I mean you serve! Hell, who's the stylist here, me or you? I hide more than I show, not because I want to, but because it's all I know. With you, I can be honest, and vulnerable, free of judgment, ridicule, or shame. You are my niece, but you are really my little sister. The love I have for you surpasses that one of an aunt to niece or nephew. You are another extension of me, and I hope I am the same for you. Every ounce of greatness you may see in me is in you, we are mirrors of each other. You are beautiful, talented, charismatic, intelligent, gifted, destined, and oh so favored. I hope that YOU KNOW, wherever life takes me, I will ALWAYS be there, cheering, loving, and appreciating the queen that is you. Thank you for being you in life, I wouldn't trade you for the world. I love you so very much.