Chi Ilochi

Eugene Davis

Chi Ilochi
Eugene Davis

“Good people are found not changed. They can change themselves, but you can’t change them. You want good people, you have to find them.” - Jim Rohn. We must take the time to appreciate the precious spirits God has blessed us with. Truth be told, I wouldn't be who I am without them or their kindness and genuine spirits. I believe those with good hearts should be treated like the prized possessions they are. It is a good person that is the reason I am who I am today. We are who we are because of who we are loved by. Ladies and gents, I proudly introduce to you the amazing Eugene Davis. Eugene or “EJ” as I like to call him, is the kind of person and friend we all need. Eugene is one of the first friends I made in middle school, and he loved and embraced me like no other. I will always ALWAYS appreciate you Eugene. Eugene is the kind of person to love you on the days you feel unloveable, and celebrate you with a dozen roses and chocolates. I wouldn’t be who I am without EJ. Yes I know, your ambition takes you far, but your tribe takes you further. I am who I am because of who I’m loved by. And Eugene, being loved by you is one of the best blessings God has given me. I am grateful for who you are and who you’ve been to me, please know you are loved and appreciated.

Experience Eugene Today!