Chi Ilochi

Charlie LaBeija

Chi Ilochi
Charlie LaBeija

"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks." - Plutarch. When I cannot find the words, it is beautiful beings like yourself that bring them to life. Artists are the past, present, and future, they add a new light and element to a world that seems to be lacking it. Every artist is incredible, but some are in a realm of their own. With that being said, I proudly introduce you to the wonderful Charlie LaBeija. Charlie is an amazing Writer and Poet who has a keen ability to bring beauty to literature. Charlie's artistry is the kind that teaches you to appreciate yourself and life itself in ways that you didn’t believe you were capable of. Charlie creates the kind of art that will go down in history because of its rawness and authenticity. In addition to Charlie’s talent, Charlie is the kind of woman that you wish you had in your friend group, family, and life. Charlie is the kind of person to wipe your tears on a bad day and shower you with gifts on your best day. It’s safe to say Charlie is in a lane of her own, I mean look at all she creates, look at who she is, you can’t help but be moved! You will be doing yourself a huge favor by keeping up with Charlie and her genius!

Checkout Charlie’s Poetry Below!

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