Chi Ilochi

Megan Victoria Gloeckler

Chi Ilochi
Megan Victoria Gloeckler

"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." - Aaron Siskind. When I think of the talent that's in this world, it brings me to tears. It's an indescribable feeling to be surrounded by art created by artists who value every human, and their experience. To be understood by someone who understands the creative process, and honors it is a blessing. Every time I come across a new creative, my heart flutters with utter delight and excitement. I know what goes into being a creator, so I admire anyone who CAN do it. God has allowed me to come across beautiful talents and souls along my journey, and I would like to introduce you to one today. Ladies, and gents I proudly introduce you to the iconic Megan Victoria GloecklerMegan's lens is breathtaking and captivating. I pray that Megan knows how talented and needed they are. Megan, you are a refreshing talent. Our world would be dull without you and your gifts. Believe me, when I say, Megan will go down in history as one of the greatest photographers we've ever seen. Keep killing it out here, I hope this bouquet of roses reminds you how much we all love, value, and appreciate you.

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