Emma Quinn
“The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.” - Paul Rand. I want us all to take a moment to appreciate the masterminds behind our favorite artwork. Our world would be dull, and our lives would be unfulfilled without the incredible artists we are surrounded with. We must take the time to appreciate those who use their talents methodically and intentionally to execute our visions. There is art for my best days, and there is art for my worst days, and both of these wouldn't exist if it weren't for artists like this special artist I'm soon to introduce to you. Emma Quinn is the Pittsburgh-based Visual Artist, Graphic Designer, & "Multi-Media Talent" who is creating some of the best designs I've seen in a while. Their inventiveness and eye for the “right” image to create is one to applaud. Art lovers must give flowers to the artists who help make everyone's life better. Emma is professional, thorough, and intentional, and I believe everyone should experience Emma and their artistic abilities.