
“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.” Georgia O’Keeffe. In this world, some artists are creating beautiful work, groundbreaking work that is both astonishing and stock-still. The best art leaves the consumer with few words, but this artist I will introduce to you has left me with a mouthful. I introduce to you all the unbelievable Model; Poet, Artist, and Curator of High Vibrations, SpeciàlK. SpeciàlK's artistry can be described as emphatic, heartwarming, and rousing. One cannot look at SpeciàlK's assignment without being moved, inspired, and empowered. SpeciàlK cannot be put in a box, she is the true definition of the artists' artist. Artists deserve their flowers while they can smell them, but to you SpeciàlK, I give roses. You are amazing, and I am oh so blessed to be able to share this earth with you. I cannot wait to see what is in store for you, I know your future is promising.
Check out SpeciàlK Today!
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