Chi Ilochi

Being Loved By You... (Dedicated To My Loved Ones)

Chi Ilochi
Being Loved By You... (Dedicated To My Loved Ones)

I've made the mistake of thinking you could do this life thing alone, I was so wrong. Life is humbling in that aspect, no human is an island, maybe we should all be the dock. To everyone in my life, I say thank you. Every one of you has given me joy, perspective, love, laughter, and support that you didn't even know I needed. I'm not writing this to be grandiose or performative, I believe those who love you should know you love them while you both can experience that love. I'm not perfect by any means, sometimes I wish I expressed more, didn't fear vulnerability the way I do, and didn't find comfort in being alone. For those times, I appreciate your patience and understanding of me when I didn't understand myself. The way I see it, God doesn't have to put the people in your life that he does, each of you is a gift to me. You've all made me better, lighter, and happier, all of you. I think as I grow older, I'm learning that life is better when you love with your heart, and allow others to do the same for you. So if you read this far, know I love you, and I thank you for being in my life, my life wouldn't be the same without you in it.