
“There is nothing more prestigious than a beautiful soul painting the world with his or her vibrant colors”
― Ms. Bonnie Zackson Koury. Along this journey of mine, I’ve been blessed with the privilege of coming across some amazing people. There are some people in this world who leave a mark on you without saying anything. It is their presence and spirit that leaves you feeling at peace and restored. With that being said, I’d like to introduce to you, “The Heart of True T Pgh”, the lovely Ms.Tracy. The City Of Pittsburgh, myself, and True T Studios wouldn’t be what it is without the beautiful Ms.Tracy. Ms.Tracy’s commitment to making our communities better, is one of the many things that makes her beautiful. One fun fact about Ms.Tracy, is she is an incredible jewelry maker, I’m talking pieces out of this world! From her necklaces to her earrings, every piece she creates is one of a kind and provides you with a piece of her beautiful aura. I already have my eyes set on a necklace of hers right now! Do yourself the honor of supporting and shopping with the beautiful Ms.Tracy. You can purchase Ms.Tracy’s pieces only at True T Studios!