Chi Ilochi

Shekinah Noelle

Chi Ilochi
Shekinah Noelle

“When you come in contact with the anointing of God, it not only affects your moment, it affects your tomorrow.” - Creflo A. Dollar. The anointing of God transcends public approval and worldly accolades. The annointing of God changes lives and takes those who are graceful enough to receive that anointing to unprecedented places. We are surrounded by moments, moments that will come to pass. Fortunately for us, there are those that can act out those “moments” and make them last forever. I believe we have a misunderstanding of the word “art”. Art is the person who kept going when they had reasons to quit. Art is the person who chooses love over resentment. Art is the person who chooses themselves for the sake of their future’s future. Art is the person who is committed to making sure the world receives a healthy version of them. I’ve been blessed enough to come across art and annointing, both things that can be found in this person. Shekinah Noelle, the Pittsburgh based Model & Lifestyle Blogger whose work speaks the language of love. I’ve been a fan of Shekina's work for a while, but I’ve been a fan of her spirit forever. Shekinah is a living emobdiemnt of what it means to effectively use your anointing for the greater good of yourself and others. It is one thing to gaze upon the art of a person, but it is another thing to gaze upon the beauty of a person. I think it’s important that we take the time out to gaze upon and appreciate the beautiful person that Shekinah Noelle is. We have been searching for a person with the spirit you possess forever, and we are so grateful to say that we have found it in you.

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