Chi Ilochi

Amber Lauren: WavyWMN

Chi Ilochi
Amber Lauren: WavyWMN

“I feel that the kinks, curls, or tight coils in Afro hair is beautiful and unique. No other race on this planet has hair like ours - that makes me proud.” - Monica Millner. Where would our world be without those who are committed to helping us love and appreciate our growing glory? I know that my love and appreciation for my natural hair came from the incredible Black women I was surrounded by. Ladies and gents, I proudly introduce you to the CEO of "WavyWMN", the powerhouse, Amber Lauren. WavyWMN is the community and platform that is celebrating Black women wavers from all over the world. WavyWMN helps to further the education of natural hair, shifting conversations around its textured beauty. It is so important for Black women to feel beautiful, embraced, and encouraged. I cannot thank Amber, and WavyWMN enough for their commitment to making women that look like me feel unstoppable. Beauty is in the eyes of the Black women that witnesses it. I am grateful that God deemed us worthy enough to be blessed with such beautiful, courageous, and selfless souls and businesses. Amber, thank you so much for all you are and all you stand for. It is women like you that are making our lives and experiences easier.

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