Chi Ilochi

Deona The Renaissance Woman

Chi Ilochi
Deona The Renaissance Woman

"Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind." - Magdalena Abakanowicz. I wouldn’t be where I am without those that inspire me to be better and do better. Often that inspiration came from strangers whose potential and destiny ignited a flame in me. Everywhere you look you will find greatness, and today's observation just so happens to be you. Ladies and gents, I proudly introduce to you the amazing Fashion Stylist; Photographer, LifeStyle Content Creator, & Artist, Deona. Deona is amazing in every sense of the word and phrase. What sets Deona aside beyond her talents is her beautiful heart, Deona will give you the shirt off her back in the freezing cold, that’s the kind of person she is. I am so blessed to have come across Deona and her artistry when I did, believe me when I say she’s going to go so far! It’s refreshing to come in contact with such a supportive creative, they are very hard to come by these days! I thank God for the connection he allowed me to share with this queen, who knew he’d be setting me up to feature one of my favorite Fashion Stylists & Content Creators?!

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