Chi Ilochi

JoAnna McMurray

Chi Ilochi
JoAnna McMurray

"It is more important to influence people than to impress them." – Adrian Rogers. If I were to make a list of those in the Fashion and Blogger industry that are making an impact my list would be immense. If I were to make a list of those in that same industry who make it a point to inspire; influence, include, and empower women of all races, ethnicities, and sizes my list would be very slim, but this amazing woman would be a part of it. Ladies and gents, I proudly introduce you to the unbelievable JoAnna McMurray. JoAnna is an outstanding Youtuber; Fashion Guru, Lifestyle Digital Creator & Person. There are no constraints in JoAnna's way, so believe me when I say she is destined for greatness in every capacity. JoAnna reminds ALL WOMEN that everything she involves herself in is a safe space for your flaws; insecurities, goals, dreams, and desires. It’s people like JoAnna that are hard to come by so we must cherish them while we have them. JoAnna, to you I give roses. Thank you for changing our world the way you are. If you too would like to be inspired beyond measure, be sure to check out JoAnna's genius below!

Experience JoAnna Today!