Chi Ilochi

Mario Davis: "MACLYFE TV"

Chi Ilochi
Mario Davis: "MACLYFE TV"

"The risk takers of today are the latest and greatest of tomorrow." - Chi Ilochi. I want to take a moment to thank God for the angels he has placed in my life, and this world. All I can do is applaud the individuals creating necessary and groundbreaking work that will change this world. It takes a special kind of person to build a platform that is committed to uplifting, encouraging and humoring people. Life can be very challenging at times, so it is very refreshing to come across creators that are helping us all take a sigh of relief. All I can say is thank you, you make this world better. Ladies and gents, I proudly introduce you to the incredible YouTuber; Influencer, Skater, & Person, Mario Davis. Mario's personality and dedication to creating spaces that make you feel like you can let your hair down is so appreciated. One cannot consume Mario's content or encounter his person without being uplifted, loved, and empowered. Mario cannot be confined, simply because he exudes freedom and possibility. Creators deserve their flowers while they can smell them, and I hope this feature symbolizes that bouquet to you, Mario. Thank you for sharing YOU with the world, you are loved and appreciated!

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