Chi Ilochi

Lateresa Clancy Blackwell

Chi Ilochi
Lateresa Clancy Blackwell

The more grateful we feel, the more things we receive to feel grateful for. The more loved we feel, the more love we receive. The more beautiful we feel, the more attractive we become.” – Denise Coates. A spirit of gratitude and appreciation can not only change your life but the lives you are connected to. I am grateful to be surrounded by Black women who are changing this world. Black women are Bosses, Icons, and Trailblazers, and I know someone who fits into the category of every word I’ve just listed. Without further ado, I introduce to you the magnificent Lateresa Clancy Blackwell! Lateresa is one of the best bosses I have ever come across. Many things can be said about Lateresa, but one of my favorite things about her is her infectious spirit and kind heart. Lateresa will go down in history for her beautiful gifts in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Servitude. Lateresa is also the Co-Founder of the delicious eatery “Cafe On The Corner”. It’s an incredible honor to see a fellow Black woman walking in her light and purpose. I am truly inspired by Lateresa's work, confidence, and drive, it’s not often you come across people like Latresa, so I'm grateful that God deemed me worthy enough to. If it’s one thing I’ve been taught by this amazing soul, it is to let God lead your journey. Lateresa you are doing it and doing it well! Please never stop, you have a calling on your life, and an anointing that shines so bright. Thank you so much for inspiring me! If you would like to be inspired, and eat some great food, be sure to keep on scrolling!

Check out "Cafe On The Corner"!