James Bambu
One thing I’ve learned about talent along this life journey, is there’s always someone in this world who's been blessed with the ability to give you ease. Ease along your life pursuits, ease with your dreams, ease with your heartbreaks. Not only is this refreshing, but it is also a reminder to all to embrace the beautiful humans we’ve been blessed with. James Bambu is the vocalist and lyrical bible that’s helping us all process the faceted emotions that come with the human experience. James, you are a sound that is rhythmic, intentional, and plausible for all who encounter it. Thank you for your talent and willingness to be vulnerable with your art. Please know you will always have Styling By Chi’s unwavering love and support!
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Thumbnail Credentials :
Photographer: https://instagram.com/princehamadi?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=