Pivot To Purpose: The Story Of Kylie Gelfand

There are beautiful things to be found underneath the surface of surrendering. Pivots can be breeding grounds for heartache and disappointment for many, but for Kylie Gelfand, they were a seed in her garden of wardrobe styling and personal shopping. Kylie Gelfand is a wardrobe stylist and personal shopper who provides her clients with a newfound appreciation and understanding of fashion, style and themselves.
With numerous clients in the NFL and worldwide, Kylie continually takes the fashion industry by storm, showing those who will come after her that the “wrong path” can be a detour for the right one. Pivoting to purpose can look stylish for yourself and those around you, and for those waiting to be influenced, it can show them the authority in “breathing, believing, and sleeping” for what you truly love and desire. Kylie Gelfand is the product of betting on yourself every time; who knows, you, too, may come out on the winning end if you see it through.
“Pivot To Purpose: The Story Of Kylie Gelfand” read her story below!
When the desire for “perfection” creeps in, how do you ground yourself to enjoy your “chosen” place?
In under two years of styling, I still feel grounded. I don’t feel successful yet, so I ground myself every day. I feel there is no place for me to “leave the ground” quite yet.
Kylie Gelfand is many things: a Wardrobe Stylist, Personal Shopper, Scholar, and Light-Being, but who is Kylie without the roles she honors?
I take pride in being a good person and a loyal friend. I want to be the person people find peace in and can talk to. I preach kindness and loyalty, hoping that comes off in the person I am.
What is it about clothing that you’ve found solace in?
Male clients are my niche, I work with male clients. Men find peace in sport; outside of it, where do you find your peace? The comfort that clothing brings them without them knowing, is incredible. I find it incredible for clients to care about clothing when they didn’t initially. I want to bring fashion into athletes' lives, changing players' confidence, who they are, and their expression.
The fashion industry can be challenging to excel in, but you make it look second nature. How do you maintain joy, passion, and curiosity in your work?
I didn’t go to school for any of it, it wasn't my plan. It took being in LA for several years to realize it was my career. I was always addicted to shopping, but when I found fashion as a career, the fire and passion were still big in me. No matter how exhausting and time-consuming it is, I still love it. I have assistants now and have athletes all over. It can be exhausting, but I love it. I love going in, finding the pieces, and putting them together. I love it and found this industry at twenty-five; I love being able to work for myself, I didn't want to work for other people forever, but I didn't know how or what to do to change that. But being able to stumble upon fashion and being so passionate is amazing to me. Being in LA also helps, being surrounded by creatives and people in the industry, it inspires me. I want to be a household name and at the top.
It’s fantastic to see how your pursuit of sports broadcasting has led you to a successful styling career, including many clients in the NFL. With these many changes and your current experience, do you believe in coincidence or a preordained purpose?
Yes, but I’ve always had a passion for sports. I grew up in a sports family. I spent my undergrad years trying to be a sports broadcaster. I got out still trying to figure out how to be in sports. My passion never left, and I realized I could still work in sports, but I wanted to figure out how I could get clients.
It sounds like fashion has always been looking for you. In that regard, do you believe the younger version of Kylie has always been looking for you to find your spot in fashion as well? And if so, would you say she is proud of who you’ve become?
Yes! I’ve always been into fashion. I helped my male friends in college find clothes and dressed up dolls as a kid. I think my younger self would be so proud, she gets to go shopping for a living now! That’s the dream. I can’t imagine anything else, and I can’t comprehend the milestones I’ve made in my career. I believe anyone can do it if they have the passion, I woke up one day and said “I’m a stylist”, I grinded. I’m happy to be where I am, excited, and proud of myself.
What has been your most outstanding achievement thus far in your career?
Being able to work with pro athletes in general, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. During my first year, my clients were pro athletes. I’ve also worked with Adidas basketball, Vogue Philippines, and I will be styling the Grammys this year.
If you could do it again, would you?
Absolutely. Without the grind I had, I wouldn't be here. I’m thankful for all of my experiences.
Who inspires you to keep going and remain committed to your dream(s)?
I want to be the best. When working in sports broadcasting, I never felt “good enough”. In styling, I know I’m working hard and grinding. I’m constantly looking for new pieces and designers. I’m going to go get it regardless of what happens.
Are there any stylists or fashion creatives in your community that we should be privy to?
I don’t work with many stylists, but I work with great designers and get to build relationships with them. I don’t believe clients need to wear big designers; I’m the bridge that helps my clients and the brand.
I look up to many stylists and follow so many I try to keep up and stay inspired.
What’s your advice for someone who may want to become a stylist?
Go style your friends and post them on Instagram. Before I had NFL clients, I was styling male friends and gaining street cred; that’s how people noticed me. Just do it, and ask for help. Talk to everyone. Some of my biggest clients came from talking. Having good people on your side plays a role. Some of my friends connected me with new people and athletes.
Kylie Gelfand is here to stay!
“ I want to be a household name and at the top.”
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