Andre Jones
“A work of art which isn’t based on feeling isn’t art at all.” – Paul Cézanne. Any art that I'm fortunate to come across has to make me feel something. Many believe art is a choice, but it's an emotion, it's a way of life, a visual journal if you will. The closest I've ever felt to God was in the presence of art, the closest I've felt to "creative understanding" was in the presence of Andre Jones. Who is Andre Jones you may wonder, well I am elated you've asked. Andre is a gifted Fashion Designer, A Jack Of All Trades, And A Master Of Their Purposes and The Founder & CEO Of "Rabbit 3" a ready-to-wear experience and visual appetizer. I've been blessed with the opportunity to meet Andre and witness Andre's work in person, and wow, it is uncanny. Andre is an artist of quality, inclusivity, functionality, and honesty and it scintillates in everything Andre does and is. You will be doing yourself a favor by familiarizing yourself with Andre and Rabbit 3. Andre, you are on your way to generational greatness, and I celebrate you. I pray you see abundant success.
You will always have Styling By Chi's unwavering love and support!
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Model @asapjorrge wearing